File: _mysql.c
Function: init_mysql
Error: memory leak: ob_refcnt of '*_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.85' is 1 too high
2981 DL_EXPORT(void)
2982 init_mysql(void)
2983 #endif
2984 {
2985 	PyObject *dict, *module, *emod, *edict;
2987     utf8conn = mysql_init(NULL);
2988     utf8conn->charset = &my_charset_utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
when treating unknown struct MYSQL * from _mysql.c:2987 as non-NULL
2990 #ifdef IS_PY3K
2991     module = PyModule_Create(&_mysqlmodule);
2992 	if (!module) return module; /* this really should never happen */
2993 #else
2994 	module = Py_InitModule4("_mysql", _mysql_methods, _mysql___doc__,
when Py_InitModule4_64() succeeds
2995 				(PyObject *)NULL, PYTHON_API_VERSION);
2996 	if (!module) return; /* this really should never happen */
taking False path
memory leak: ob_refcnt of '*_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.85' is 1 too high
was expecting final owned ob_refcnt of '*_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.85' to be 0 since nothing references it but final ob_refcnt is refs: 1 owned, 2 borrowed
found 54 similar trace(s) to this
2997 #endif
2998 #ifdef IS_PY3K
2999 	Py_TYPE(&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type) = &PyType_Type;
3000 	Py_TYPE(&_mysql_ResultObject_Type) = &PyType_Type;
3001 #else
3002 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
3003 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
3004 #endif
3005 #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000
3006 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_alloc = PyType_GenericAlloc;
3007 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_alloc = PyType_GenericAlloc;
3008 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
3009 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
3010 #ifndef IS_PY3K
3011 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_free = _PyObject_GC_Del;
3012 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_free = _PyObject_GC_Del;
3013 #endif
3014 #endif
3016 	if (!(dict = PyModule_GetDict(module))) goto error;
taking False path
3017 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "version_info",
when PyRun_StringFlags() succeeds
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3018 			       PyRun_String(QUOTE(version_info), Py_eval_input,
3019 				       dict, dict)))
3020 		goto error;
3021 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__version__",
when PyUnicodeUCS4_FromString() succeeds
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3022 			       PyUnicode_FromString(QUOTE(__version__))))
3023 		goto error;
3024 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "connection",
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
ob_refcnt is now refs: 0 owned, 2 borrowed
3025 			       (PyObject *)&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type))
3026 		goto error;
3027 	Py_INCREF(&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type);
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 owned, 2 borrowed
3028 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "result",
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3029 			       (PyObject *)&_mysql_ResultObject_Type))
3030 		goto error;	
3031 	Py_INCREF(&_mysql_ResultObject_Type);
3032 	if (!(emod = PyImport_ImportModule("_mysql_exceptions"))) {
when PyImport_ImportModule() succeeds
taking False path
3033 	    PyErr_Print();
3034 		goto error;
3035 	}
3036 	if (!(edict = PyModule_GetDict(emod))) goto error;
taking False path
3037 	if (!(_mysql_MySQLError =
taking False path
3038 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "MySQLError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3039 		goto error;
3040 	if (!(_mysql_Warning =
taking False path
3041 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "Warning")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3042 		goto error;
3043 	if (!(_mysql_Error =
taking False path
3044 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "Error")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3045 		goto error;
3046 	if (!(_mysql_InterfaceError =
taking False path
3047 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "InterfaceError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3048 		goto error;
3049 	if (!(_mysql_DatabaseError =
taking False path
3050 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "DatabaseError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3051 		goto error;
3052 	if (!(_mysql_DataError =
taking False path
3053 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "DataError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3054 		goto error;
3055 	if (!(_mysql_OperationalError =
taking False path
3056 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "OperationalError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3057 		goto error;
3058 	if (!(_mysql_IntegrityError =
taking False path
3059 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "IntegrityError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3060 		goto error;
3061 	if (!(_mysql_InternalError =
taking False path
3062 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "InternalError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3063 		goto error;
3064 	if (!(_mysql_ProgrammingError =
taking False path
3065 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "ProgrammingError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3066 		goto error;
3067 	if (!(_mysql_NotSupportedError =
taking False path
3068 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "NotSupportedError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3069 		goto error;
3070 	if (!(_mysql_NULL = PyBytes_FromString("NULL")))
when PyString_FromString() succeeds
taking False path
3071 		goto error;
3072 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "NULL", _mysql_NULL)) goto error;
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
3073   error:
3074 	if (emod) Py_DECREF(emod);
taking True path
when taking True path
3075 	if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
taking False path
3076 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError,
3077 				"_mysql: init failed");
3078 		if (module) Py_DECREF(module);
3079 		module = NULL;
3080     }
3081 #ifdef IS_PY3K
3082     return module;
3083 #endif
3084 }

File: _mysql.c
Function: init_mysql
Error: memory leak: ob_refcnt of '*_mysql_ResultObject_Type.86' is 1 too high
2981 DL_EXPORT(void)
2982 init_mysql(void)
2983 #endif
2984 {
2985 	PyObject *dict, *module, *emod, *edict;
2987     utf8conn = mysql_init(NULL);
2988     utf8conn->charset = &my_charset_utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
when treating unknown struct MYSQL * from _mysql.c:2987 as non-NULL
2990 #ifdef IS_PY3K
2991     module = PyModule_Create(&_mysqlmodule);
2992 	if (!module) return module; /* this really should never happen */
2993 #else
2994 	module = Py_InitModule4("_mysql", _mysql_methods, _mysql___doc__,
when Py_InitModule4_64() succeeds
2995 				(PyObject *)NULL, PYTHON_API_VERSION);
2996 	if (!module) return; /* this really should never happen */
taking False path
memory leak: ob_refcnt of '*_mysql_ResultObject_Type.86' is 1 too high
was expecting final owned ob_refcnt of '*_mysql_ResultObject_Type.86' to be 0 since nothing references it but final ob_refcnt is refs: 1 owned, 2 borrowed
found 54 similar trace(s) to this
2997 #endif
2998 #ifdef IS_PY3K
2999 	Py_TYPE(&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type) = &PyType_Type;
3000 	Py_TYPE(&_mysql_ResultObject_Type) = &PyType_Type;
3001 #else
3002 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
3003 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
3004 #endif
3005 #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000
3006 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_alloc = PyType_GenericAlloc;
3007 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_alloc = PyType_GenericAlloc;
3008 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
3009 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
3010 #ifndef IS_PY3K
3011 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_free = _PyObject_GC_Del;
3012 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_free = _PyObject_GC_Del;
3013 #endif
3014 #endif
3016 	if (!(dict = PyModule_GetDict(module))) goto error;
taking False path
3017 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "version_info",
when PyRun_StringFlags() succeeds
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3018 			       PyRun_String(QUOTE(version_info), Py_eval_input,
3019 				       dict, dict)))
3020 		goto error;
3021 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__version__",
when PyUnicodeUCS4_FromString() succeeds
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3022 			       PyUnicode_FromString(QUOTE(__version__))))
3023 		goto error;
3024 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "connection",
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3025 			       (PyObject *)&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type))
3026 		goto error;
3027 	Py_INCREF(&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type);
3028 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "result",
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
ob_refcnt is now refs: 0 owned, 2 borrowed
3029 			       (PyObject *)&_mysql_ResultObject_Type))
3030 		goto error;	
3031 	Py_INCREF(&_mysql_ResultObject_Type);
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 owned, 2 borrowed
3032 	if (!(emod = PyImport_ImportModule("_mysql_exceptions"))) {
when PyImport_ImportModule() succeeds
taking False path
3033 	    PyErr_Print();
3034 		goto error;
3035 	}
3036 	if (!(edict = PyModule_GetDict(emod))) goto error;
taking False path
3037 	if (!(_mysql_MySQLError =
taking False path
3038 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "MySQLError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3039 		goto error;
3040 	if (!(_mysql_Warning =
taking False path
3041 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "Warning")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3042 		goto error;
3043 	if (!(_mysql_Error =
taking False path
3044 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "Error")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3045 		goto error;
3046 	if (!(_mysql_InterfaceError =
taking False path
3047 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "InterfaceError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3048 		goto error;
3049 	if (!(_mysql_DatabaseError =
taking False path
3050 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "DatabaseError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3051 		goto error;
3052 	if (!(_mysql_DataError =
taking False path
3053 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "DataError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3054 		goto error;
3055 	if (!(_mysql_OperationalError =
taking False path
3056 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "OperationalError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3057 		goto error;
3058 	if (!(_mysql_IntegrityError =
taking False path
3059 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "IntegrityError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3060 		goto error;
3061 	if (!(_mysql_InternalError =
taking False path
3062 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "InternalError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3063 		goto error;
3064 	if (!(_mysql_ProgrammingError =
taking False path
3065 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "ProgrammingError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3066 		goto error;
3067 	if (!(_mysql_NotSupportedError =
taking False path
3068 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "NotSupportedError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3069 		goto error;
3070 	if (!(_mysql_NULL = PyBytes_FromString("NULL")))
when PyString_FromString() succeeds
taking False path
3071 		goto error;
3072 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "NULL", _mysql_NULL)) goto error;
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
3073   error:
3074 	if (emod) Py_DECREF(emod);
taking True path
when taking True path
3075 	if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
taking False path
3076 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError,
3077 				"_mysql: init failed");
3078 		if (module) Py_DECREF(module);
3079 		module = NULL;
3080     }
3081 #ifdef IS_PY3K
3082     return module;
3083 #endif
3084 }

File: _mysql.c
Function: init_mysql
Error: memory leak: ob_refcnt of new ref from (unknown) PyRun_StringFlags is 1 too high
2981 DL_EXPORT(void)
2982 init_mysql(void)
2983 #endif
2984 {
2985 	PyObject *dict, *module, *emod, *edict;
2987     utf8conn = mysql_init(NULL);
2988     utf8conn->charset = &my_charset_utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
when treating unknown struct MYSQL * from _mysql.c:2987 as non-NULL
2990 #ifdef IS_PY3K
2991     module = PyModule_Create(&_mysqlmodule);
2992 	if (!module) return module; /* this really should never happen */
2993 #else
2994 	module = Py_InitModule4("_mysql", _mysql_methods, _mysql___doc__,
when Py_InitModule4_64() succeeds
2995 				(PyObject *)NULL, PYTHON_API_VERSION);
2996 	if (!module) return; /* this really should never happen */
taking False path
memory leak: ob_refcnt of new ref from (unknown) PyRun_StringFlags is 1 too high
was expecting final owned ob_refcnt of new ref from (unknown) PyRun_StringFlags to be 0 since nothing references it but final ob_refcnt is refs: 1 owned, 1 borrowed
found 54 similar trace(s) to this
2997 #endif
2998 #ifdef IS_PY3K
2999 	Py_TYPE(&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type) = &PyType_Type;
3000 	Py_TYPE(&_mysql_ResultObject_Type) = &PyType_Type;
3001 #else
3002 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
3003 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
3004 #endif
3005 #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000
3006 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_alloc = PyType_GenericAlloc;
3007 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_alloc = PyType_GenericAlloc;
3008 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
3009 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
3010 #ifndef IS_PY3K
3011 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_free = _PyObject_GC_Del;
3012 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_free = _PyObject_GC_Del;
3013 #endif
3014 #endif
3016 	if (!(dict = PyModule_GetDict(module))) goto error;
taking False path
3017 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "version_info",
when PyRun_StringFlags() succeeds
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
new ref from (unknown) PyRun_StringFlags was allocated at: 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "version_info",
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 owned
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 owned, 1 borrowed
3018 			       PyRun_String(QUOTE(version_info), Py_eval_input,
3019 				       dict, dict)))
3020 		goto error;
3021 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__version__",
when PyUnicodeUCS4_FromString() succeeds
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3022 			       PyUnicode_FromString(QUOTE(__version__))))
3023 		goto error;
3024 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "connection",
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3025 			       (PyObject *)&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type))
3026 		goto error;
3027 	Py_INCREF(&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type);
3028 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "result",
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3029 			       (PyObject *)&_mysql_ResultObject_Type))
3030 		goto error;	
3031 	Py_INCREF(&_mysql_ResultObject_Type);
3032 	if (!(emod = PyImport_ImportModule("_mysql_exceptions"))) {
when PyImport_ImportModule() succeeds
taking False path
3033 	    PyErr_Print();
3034 		goto error;
3035 	}
3036 	if (!(edict = PyModule_GetDict(emod))) goto error;
taking False path
3037 	if (!(_mysql_MySQLError =
taking False path
3038 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "MySQLError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3039 		goto error;
3040 	if (!(_mysql_Warning =
taking False path
3041 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "Warning")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3042 		goto error;
3043 	if (!(_mysql_Error =
taking False path
3044 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "Error")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3045 		goto error;
3046 	if (!(_mysql_InterfaceError =
taking False path
3047 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "InterfaceError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3048 		goto error;
3049 	if (!(_mysql_DatabaseError =
taking False path
3050 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "DatabaseError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3051 		goto error;
3052 	if (!(_mysql_DataError =
taking False path
3053 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "DataError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3054 		goto error;
3055 	if (!(_mysql_OperationalError =
taking False path
3056 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "OperationalError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3057 		goto error;
3058 	if (!(_mysql_IntegrityError =
taking False path
3059 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "IntegrityError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3060 		goto error;
3061 	if (!(_mysql_InternalError =
taking False path
3062 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "InternalError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3063 		goto error;
3064 	if (!(_mysql_ProgrammingError =
taking False path
3065 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "ProgrammingError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3066 		goto error;
3067 	if (!(_mysql_NotSupportedError =
taking False path
3068 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "NotSupportedError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3069 		goto error;
3070 	if (!(_mysql_NULL = PyBytes_FromString("NULL")))
when PyString_FromString() succeeds
taking False path
3071 		goto error;
3072 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "NULL", _mysql_NULL)) goto error;
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
3073   error:
3074 	if (emod) Py_DECREF(emod);
taking True path
when taking True path
3075 	if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
taking False path
3076 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError,
3077 				"_mysql: init failed");
3078 		if (module) Py_DECREF(module);
3079 		module = NULL;
3080     }
3081 #ifdef IS_PY3K
3082     return module;
3083 #endif
3084 }

File: _mysql.c
Function: init_mysql
Error: memory leak: ob_refcnt of new ref from (unknown) PyUnicodeUCS4_FromString is 1 too high
2981 DL_EXPORT(void)
2982 init_mysql(void)
2983 #endif
2984 {
2985 	PyObject *dict, *module, *emod, *edict;
2987     utf8conn = mysql_init(NULL);
2988     utf8conn->charset = &my_charset_utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
when treating unknown struct MYSQL * from _mysql.c:2987 as non-NULL
2990 #ifdef IS_PY3K
2991     module = PyModule_Create(&_mysqlmodule);
2992 	if (!module) return module; /* this really should never happen */
2993 #else
2994 	module = Py_InitModule4("_mysql", _mysql_methods, _mysql___doc__,
when Py_InitModule4_64() succeeds
2995 				(PyObject *)NULL, PYTHON_API_VERSION);
2996 	if (!module) return; /* this really should never happen */
taking False path
memory leak: ob_refcnt of new ref from (unknown) PyUnicodeUCS4_FromString is 1 too high
was expecting final owned ob_refcnt of new ref from (unknown) PyUnicodeUCS4_FromString to be 0 since nothing references it but final ob_refcnt is refs: 1 owned, 1 borrowed
found 54 similar trace(s) to this
2997 #endif
2998 #ifdef IS_PY3K
2999 	Py_TYPE(&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type) = &PyType_Type;
3000 	Py_TYPE(&_mysql_ResultObject_Type) = &PyType_Type;
3001 #else
3002 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
3003 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
3004 #endif
3005 #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000
3006 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_alloc = PyType_GenericAlloc;
3007 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_alloc = PyType_GenericAlloc;
3008 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
3009 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
3010 #ifndef IS_PY3K
3011 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_free = _PyObject_GC_Del;
3012 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_free = _PyObject_GC_Del;
3013 #endif
3014 #endif
3016 	if (!(dict = PyModule_GetDict(module))) goto error;
taking False path
3017 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "version_info",
when PyRun_StringFlags() succeeds
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3018 			       PyRun_String(QUOTE(version_info), Py_eval_input,
3019 				       dict, dict)))
3020 		goto error;
3021 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__version__",
when PyUnicodeUCS4_FromString() succeeds
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
new ref from (unknown) PyUnicodeUCS4_FromString was allocated at: 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__version__",
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 owned
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 owned, 1 borrowed
3022 			       PyUnicode_FromString(QUOTE(__version__))))
3023 		goto error;
3024 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "connection",
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3025 			       (PyObject *)&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type))
3026 		goto error;
3027 	Py_INCREF(&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type);
3028 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "result",
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3029 			       (PyObject *)&_mysql_ResultObject_Type))
3030 		goto error;	
3031 	Py_INCREF(&_mysql_ResultObject_Type);
3032 	if (!(emod = PyImport_ImportModule("_mysql_exceptions"))) {
when PyImport_ImportModule() succeeds
taking False path
3033 	    PyErr_Print();
3034 		goto error;
3035 	}
3036 	if (!(edict = PyModule_GetDict(emod))) goto error;
taking False path
3037 	if (!(_mysql_MySQLError =
taking False path
3038 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "MySQLError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3039 		goto error;
3040 	if (!(_mysql_Warning =
taking False path
3041 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "Warning")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3042 		goto error;
3043 	if (!(_mysql_Error =
taking False path
3044 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "Error")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3045 		goto error;
3046 	if (!(_mysql_InterfaceError =
taking False path
3047 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "InterfaceError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3048 		goto error;
3049 	if (!(_mysql_DatabaseError =
taking False path
3050 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "DatabaseError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3051 		goto error;
3052 	if (!(_mysql_DataError =
taking False path
3053 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "DataError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3054 		goto error;
3055 	if (!(_mysql_OperationalError =
taking False path
3056 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "OperationalError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3057 		goto error;
3058 	if (!(_mysql_IntegrityError =
taking False path
3059 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "IntegrityError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3060 		goto error;
3061 	if (!(_mysql_InternalError =
taking False path
3062 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "InternalError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3063 		goto error;
3064 	if (!(_mysql_ProgrammingError =
taking False path
3065 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "ProgrammingError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3066 		goto error;
3067 	if (!(_mysql_NotSupportedError =
taking False path
3068 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "NotSupportedError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3069 		goto error;
3070 	if (!(_mysql_NULL = PyBytes_FromString("NULL")))
when PyString_FromString() succeeds
taking False path
3071 		goto error;
3072 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "NULL", _mysql_NULL)) goto error;
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
3073   error:
3074 	if (emod) Py_DECREF(emod);
taking True path
when taking True path
3075 	if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
taking False path
3076 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError,
3077 				"_mysql: init failed");
3078 		if (module) Py_DECREF(module);
3079 		module = NULL;
3080     }
3081 #ifdef IS_PY3K
3082     return module;
3083 #endif
3084 }

File: _mysql.c
Function: init_mysql
Error: future use-after-free: ob_refcnt of '*module' is 1 too low
2981 DL_EXPORT(void)
2982 init_mysql(void)
2983 #endif
2984 {
2985 	PyObject *dict, *module, *emod, *edict;
2987     utf8conn = mysql_init(NULL);
2988     utf8conn->charset = &my_charset_utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
when treating unknown struct MYSQL * from _mysql.c:2987 as non-NULL
2990 #ifdef IS_PY3K
2991     module = PyModule_Create(&_mysqlmodule);
2992 	if (!module) return module; /* this really should never happen */
2993 #else
2994 	module = Py_InitModule4("_mysql", _mysql_methods, _mysql___doc__,
when Py_InitModule4_64() succeeds
'*module' was allocated at: 	module = Py_InitModule4("_mysql", _mysql_methods, _mysql___doc__,
ob_refcnt is now refs: 0 owned, 1 borrowed
2995 				(PyObject *)NULL, PYTHON_API_VERSION);
2996 	if (!module) return; /* this really should never happen */
taking False path
future use-after-free: ob_refcnt of '*module' is 1 too low
was expecting final owned ob_refcnt of '*module' to be 0 since nothing references it but final ob_refcnt is refs: -1 owned, 1 borrowed
found 25 similar trace(s) to this
2997 #endif
2998 #ifdef IS_PY3K
2999 	Py_TYPE(&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type) = &PyType_Type;
3000 	Py_TYPE(&_mysql_ResultObject_Type) = &PyType_Type;
3001 #else
3002 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
3003 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
3004 #endif
3005 #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000
3006 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_alloc = PyType_GenericAlloc;
3007 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_alloc = PyType_GenericAlloc;
3008 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
3009 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
3010 #ifndef IS_PY3K
3011 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_free = _PyObject_GC_Del;
3012 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_free = _PyObject_GC_Del;
3013 #endif
3014 #endif
3016 	if (!(dict = PyModule_GetDict(module))) goto error;
taking False path
3017 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "version_info",
when PyRun_StringFlags() succeeds
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3018 			       PyRun_String(QUOTE(version_info), Py_eval_input,
3019 				       dict, dict)))
3020 		goto error;
3021 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__version__",
when PyUnicodeUCS4_FromString() succeeds
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3022 			       PyUnicode_FromString(QUOTE(__version__))))
3023 		goto error;
3024 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "connection",
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3025 			       (PyObject *)&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type))
3026 		goto error;
3027 	Py_INCREF(&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type);
3028 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "result",
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3029 			       (PyObject *)&_mysql_ResultObject_Type))
3030 		goto error;	
3031 	Py_INCREF(&_mysql_ResultObject_Type);
3032 	if (!(emod = PyImport_ImportModule("_mysql_exceptions"))) {
when PyImport_ImportModule() succeeds
taking False path
3033 	    PyErr_Print();
3034 		goto error;
3035 	}
3036 	if (!(edict = PyModule_GetDict(emod))) goto error;
taking False path
3037 	if (!(_mysql_MySQLError =
taking False path
3038 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "MySQLError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3039 		goto error;
3040 	if (!(_mysql_Warning =
taking False path
3041 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "Warning")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3042 		goto error;
3043 	if (!(_mysql_Error =
taking False path
3044 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "Error")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3045 		goto error;
3046 	if (!(_mysql_InterfaceError =
taking False path
3047 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "InterfaceError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3048 		goto error;
3049 	if (!(_mysql_DatabaseError =
taking False path
3050 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "DatabaseError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3051 		goto error;
3052 	if (!(_mysql_DataError =
taking False path
3053 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "DataError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3054 		goto error;
3055 	if (!(_mysql_OperationalError =
taking False path
3056 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "OperationalError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3057 		goto error;
3058 	if (!(_mysql_IntegrityError =
taking False path
3059 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "IntegrityError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3060 		goto error;
3061 	if (!(_mysql_InternalError =
taking False path
3062 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "InternalError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3063 		goto error;
3064 	if (!(_mysql_ProgrammingError =
taking False path
3065 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "ProgrammingError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3066 		goto error;
3067 	if (!(_mysql_NotSupportedError =
taking False path
3068 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "NotSupportedError")))
when _mysql_NewException() succeeds
3069 		goto error;
3070 	if (!(_mysql_NULL = PyBytes_FromString("NULL")))
when PyString_FromString() succeeds
taking False path
3071 		goto error;
3072 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "NULL", _mysql_NULL)) goto error;
when PyDict_SetItemString() fails
3073   error:
3074 	if (emod) Py_DECREF(emod);
taking True path
when taking True path
3075 	if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
taking True path
3076 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError,
calling PyErr_SetString()
3077 				"_mysql: init failed");
3078 		if (module) Py_DECREF(module);
taking True path
when taking True path
ob_refcnt is now refs: -1 owned, 1 borrowed
3079 		module = NULL;
3080     }
3081 #ifdef IS_PY3K
3082     return module;
3083 #endif
3084 }

File: _mysql.c
Function: init_mysql
Error: comparison against uninitialized data (emod) at _mysql.c:3074
2981 DL_EXPORT(void)
2982 init_mysql(void)
2983 #endif
2984 {
2985 	PyObject *dict, *module, *emod, *edict;
2987     utf8conn = mysql_init(NULL);
2988     utf8conn->charset = &my_charset_utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
when treating unknown struct MYSQL * from _mysql.c:2987 as non-NULL
2990 #ifdef IS_PY3K
2991     module = PyModule_Create(&_mysqlmodule);
2992 	if (!module) return module; /* this really should never happen */
2993 #else
2994 	module = Py_InitModule4("_mysql", _mysql_methods, _mysql___doc__,
when Py_InitModule4_64() succeeds
2995 				(PyObject *)NULL, PYTHON_API_VERSION);
2996 	if (!module) return; /* this really should never happen */
taking False path
2997 #endif
2998 #ifdef IS_PY3K
2999 	Py_TYPE(&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type) = &PyType_Type;
3000 	Py_TYPE(&_mysql_ResultObject_Type) = &PyType_Type;
3001 #else
3002 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
3003 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
3004 #endif
3005 #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000
3006 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_alloc = PyType_GenericAlloc;
3007 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_alloc = PyType_GenericAlloc;
3008 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
3009 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
3010 #ifndef IS_PY3K
3011 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_free = _PyObject_GC_Del;
3012 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_free = _PyObject_GC_Del;
3013 #endif
3014 #endif
3016 	if (!(dict = PyModule_GetDict(module))) goto error;
taking False path
3017 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "version_info",
when PyRun_StringFlags() succeeds
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3018 			       PyRun_String(QUOTE(version_info), Py_eval_input,
3019 				       dict, dict)))
3020 		goto error;
3021 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__version__",
when PyUnicodeUCS4_FromString() succeeds
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3022 			       PyUnicode_FromString(QUOTE(__version__))))
3023 		goto error;
3024 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "connection",
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3025 			       (PyObject *)&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type))
3026 		goto error;
3027 	Py_INCREF(&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type);
3028 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "result",
when PyDict_SetItemString() fails
taking True path
3029 			       (PyObject *)&_mysql_ResultObject_Type))
3030 		goto error;	
3031 	Py_INCREF(&_mysql_ResultObject_Type);
3032 	if (!(emod = PyImport_ImportModule("_mysql_exceptions"))) {
3033 	    PyErr_Print();
3034 		goto error;
3035 	}
3036 	if (!(edict = PyModule_GetDict(emod))) goto error;
3037 	if (!(_mysql_MySQLError =
3038 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "MySQLError")))
3039 		goto error;
3040 	if (!(_mysql_Warning =
3041 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "Warning")))
3042 		goto error;
3043 	if (!(_mysql_Error =
3044 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "Error")))
3045 		goto error;
3046 	if (!(_mysql_InterfaceError =
3047 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "InterfaceError")))
3048 		goto error;
3049 	if (!(_mysql_DatabaseError =
3050 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "DatabaseError")))
3051 		goto error;
3052 	if (!(_mysql_DataError =
3053 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "DataError")))
3054 		goto error;
3055 	if (!(_mysql_OperationalError =
3056 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "OperationalError")))
3057 		goto error;
3058 	if (!(_mysql_IntegrityError =
3059 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "IntegrityError")))
3060 		goto error;
3061 	if (!(_mysql_InternalError =
3062 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "InternalError")))
3063 		goto error;
3064 	if (!(_mysql_ProgrammingError =
3065 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "ProgrammingError")))
3066 		goto error;
3067 	if (!(_mysql_NotSupportedError =
3068 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "NotSupportedError")))
3069 		goto error;
3070 	if (!(_mysql_NULL = PyBytes_FromString("NULL")))
3071 		goto error;
3072 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "NULL", _mysql_NULL)) goto error;
3073   error:
3074 	if (emod) Py_DECREF(emod);
comparison against uninitialized data (emod) at _mysql.c:3074
found 3 similar trace(s) to this
3075 	if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
3076 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError,
3077 				"_mysql: init failed");
3078 		if (module) Py_DECREF(module);
3079 		module = NULL;
3080     }
3081 #ifdef IS_PY3K
3082     return module;
3083 #endif
3084 }

File: _mysql.c
Function: init_mysql
Error: calling PyDict_SetItemString with NULL as argument 3 (D.15967) at _mysql.c:3021
2981 DL_EXPORT(void)
2982 init_mysql(void)
2983 #endif
2984 {
2985 	PyObject *dict, *module, *emod, *edict;
2987     utf8conn = mysql_init(NULL);
2988     utf8conn->charset = &my_charset_utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
when treating unknown struct MYSQL * from _mysql.c:2987 as non-NULL
2990 #ifdef IS_PY3K
2991     module = PyModule_Create(&_mysqlmodule);
2992 	if (!module) return module; /* this really should never happen */
2993 #else
2994 	module = Py_InitModule4("_mysql", _mysql_methods, _mysql___doc__,
when Py_InitModule4_64() succeeds
2995 				(PyObject *)NULL, PYTHON_API_VERSION);
2996 	if (!module) return; /* this really should never happen */
taking False path
2997 #endif
2998 #ifdef IS_PY3K
2999 	Py_TYPE(&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type) = &PyType_Type;
3000 	Py_TYPE(&_mysql_ResultObject_Type) = &PyType_Type;
3001 #else
3002 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
3003 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
3004 #endif
3005 #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000
3006 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_alloc = PyType_GenericAlloc;
3007 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_alloc = PyType_GenericAlloc;
3008 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
3009 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
3010 #ifndef IS_PY3K
3011 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_free = _PyObject_GC_Del;
3012 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_free = _PyObject_GC_Del;
3013 #endif
3014 #endif
3016 	if (!(dict = PyModule_GetDict(module))) goto error;
taking False path
3017 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "version_info",
when PyRun_StringFlags() succeeds
when PyDict_SetItemString() succeeds
taking False path
3018 			       PyRun_String(QUOTE(version_info), Py_eval_input,
3019 				       dict, dict)))
3020 		goto error;
3021 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__version__",
when PyUnicodeUCS4_FromString() fails
calling PyDict_SetItemString with NULL as argument 3 (D.15967) at _mysql.c:3021
3022 			       PyUnicode_FromString(QUOTE(__version__))))
3023 		goto error;
3024 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "connection",
3025 			       (PyObject *)&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type))
3026 		goto error;
3027 	Py_INCREF(&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type);
3028 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "result",
3029 			       (PyObject *)&_mysql_ResultObject_Type))
3030 		goto error;	
3031 	Py_INCREF(&_mysql_ResultObject_Type);
3032 	if (!(emod = PyImport_ImportModule("_mysql_exceptions"))) {
3033 	    PyErr_Print();
3034 		goto error;
3035 	}
3036 	if (!(edict = PyModule_GetDict(emod))) goto error;
3037 	if (!(_mysql_MySQLError =
3038 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "MySQLError")))
3039 		goto error;
3040 	if (!(_mysql_Warning =
3041 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "Warning")))
3042 		goto error;
3043 	if (!(_mysql_Error =
3044 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "Error")))
3045 		goto error;
3046 	if (!(_mysql_InterfaceError =
3047 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "InterfaceError")))
3048 		goto error;
3049 	if (!(_mysql_DatabaseError =
3050 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "DatabaseError")))
3051 		goto error;
3052 	if (!(_mysql_DataError =
3053 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "DataError")))
3054 		goto error;
3055 	if (!(_mysql_OperationalError =
3056 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "OperationalError")))
3057 		goto error;
3058 	if (!(_mysql_IntegrityError =
3059 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "IntegrityError")))
3060 		goto error;
3061 	if (!(_mysql_InternalError =
3062 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "InternalError")))
3063 		goto error;
3064 	if (!(_mysql_ProgrammingError =
3065 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "ProgrammingError")))
3066 		goto error;
3067 	if (!(_mysql_NotSupportedError =
3068 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "NotSupportedError")))
3069 		goto error;
3070 	if (!(_mysql_NULL = PyBytes_FromString("NULL")))
3071 		goto error;
3072 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "NULL", _mysql_NULL)) goto error;
3073   error:
3074 	if (emod) Py_DECREF(emod);
3075 	if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
3076 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError,
3077 				"_mysql: init failed");
3078 		if (module) Py_DECREF(module);
3079 		module = NULL;
3080     }
3081 #ifdef IS_PY3K
3082     return module;
3083 #endif
3084 }

File: _mysql.c
Function: init_mysql
Error: calling PyDict_SetItemString with NULL as argument 3 (D.15964) at _mysql.c:3017
2981 DL_EXPORT(void)
2982 init_mysql(void)
2983 #endif
2984 {
2985 	PyObject *dict, *module, *emod, *edict;
2987     utf8conn = mysql_init(NULL);
2988     utf8conn->charset = &my_charset_utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
when treating unknown struct MYSQL * from _mysql.c:2987 as non-NULL
2990 #ifdef IS_PY3K
2991     module = PyModule_Create(&_mysqlmodule);
2992 	if (!module) return module; /* this really should never happen */
2993 #else
2994 	module = Py_InitModule4("_mysql", _mysql_methods, _mysql___doc__,
when Py_InitModule4_64() succeeds
2995 				(PyObject *)NULL, PYTHON_API_VERSION);
2996 	if (!module) return; /* this really should never happen */
taking False path
2997 #endif
2998 #ifdef IS_PY3K
2999 	Py_TYPE(&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type) = &PyType_Type;
3000 	Py_TYPE(&_mysql_ResultObject_Type) = &PyType_Type;
3001 #else
3002 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
3003 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
3004 #endif
3005 #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000
3006 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_alloc = PyType_GenericAlloc;
3007 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_alloc = PyType_GenericAlloc;
3008 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
3009 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
3010 #ifndef IS_PY3K
3011 	_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type.tp_free = _PyObject_GC_Del;
3012 	_mysql_ResultObject_Type.tp_free = _PyObject_GC_Del;
3013 #endif
3014 #endif
3016 	if (!(dict = PyModule_GetDict(module))) goto error;
taking False path
3017 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "version_info",
when PyRun_StringFlags() fails
calling PyDict_SetItemString with NULL as argument 3 (D.15964) at _mysql.c:3017
3018 			       PyRun_String(QUOTE(version_info), Py_eval_input,
3019 				       dict, dict)))
3020 		goto error;
3021 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__version__",
3022 			       PyUnicode_FromString(QUOTE(__version__))))
3023 		goto error;
3024 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "connection",
3025 			       (PyObject *)&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type))
3026 		goto error;
3027 	Py_INCREF(&_mysql_ConnectionObject_Type);
3028 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "result",
3029 			       (PyObject *)&_mysql_ResultObject_Type))
3030 		goto error;	
3031 	Py_INCREF(&_mysql_ResultObject_Type);
3032 	if (!(emod = PyImport_ImportModule("_mysql_exceptions"))) {
3033 	    PyErr_Print();
3034 		goto error;
3035 	}
3036 	if (!(edict = PyModule_GetDict(emod))) goto error;
3037 	if (!(_mysql_MySQLError =
3038 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "MySQLError")))
3039 		goto error;
3040 	if (!(_mysql_Warning =
3041 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "Warning")))
3042 		goto error;
3043 	if (!(_mysql_Error =
3044 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "Error")))
3045 		goto error;
3046 	if (!(_mysql_InterfaceError =
3047 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "InterfaceError")))
3048 		goto error;
3049 	if (!(_mysql_DatabaseError =
3050 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "DatabaseError")))
3051 		goto error;
3052 	if (!(_mysql_DataError =
3053 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "DataError")))
3054 		goto error;
3055 	if (!(_mysql_OperationalError =
3056 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "OperationalError")))
3057 		goto error;
3058 	if (!(_mysql_IntegrityError =
3059 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "IntegrityError")))
3060 		goto error;
3061 	if (!(_mysql_InternalError =
3062 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "InternalError")))
3063 		goto error;
3064 	if (!(_mysql_ProgrammingError =
3065 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "ProgrammingError")))
3066 		goto error;
3067 	if (!(_mysql_NotSupportedError =
3068 	      _mysql_NewException(dict, edict, "NotSupportedError")))
3069 		goto error;
3070 	if (!(_mysql_NULL = PyBytes_FromString("NULL")))
3071 		goto error;
3072 	if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "NULL", _mysql_NULL)) goto error;
3073   error:
3074 	if (emod) Py_DECREF(emod);
3075 	if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
3076 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError,
3077 				"_mysql: init failed");
3078 		if (module) Py_DECREF(module);
3079 		module = NULL;
3080     }
3081 #ifdef IS_PY3K
3082     return module;
3083 #endif
3084 }